Beijing Oriental Stage Technologies Co., Ltd.

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Xie Yuxi talks: 2019 Shanghai Huangpu River large-scale light and shadow show creation experience

Release Date: 2020-06-04 00:00:00Clicks: 1115Announcer:

2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Various celebrations have been organized all over the country. Among them, there are many cities celebrating in the form of light and shadow shows. Shanghai brings you a refreshing experience with its unique architectural landscape light and shadow show.

In the autumn of 2019, "Shanghai celebrates the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the second China International Import Expo Huangpu River Light and Shadow Show" (hereinafter referred to as "Pujiang Light and Shadow Show") became one of the "Internet celebrities" with the highest appearance rate on major media platforms . According to incomplete statistics, the Pujiang Light and Shadow Show has attracted more than 12 million people to watch the scene, and the instantaneous peak of the Bund has 220,000 people. The public security department also specially invented the "wiper-type" diversion measures to ensure the safety of the performance; The TV and video live broadcasts have been watched by more than 100 million people, and they are also widely disseminated through WeChat Moments and various short video platforms, with countless viewers. On September 30th, CCTV’s integrated channel and news channel conducted a live broadcast of the Pujiang Light and Shadow Show in a live connection; November 4, the opening day of the second China International Import Expo (hereinafter referred to as the “China International Import Expo”) The "People's Daily" special page published pictures of the light and shadow show. The Pujiang Light and Shadow Show was highly praised by Chinese and foreign guests and national leaders, and its social influence was huge.


1 Stage lighting and urban landscape lighting

The author has long been engaged in theatrical stage lighting design, and has been involved in urban landscape art lighting in recent years. As the chief designer of Pujiang Light and Shadow Show, the author believes that the application and development of stage lighting design in urban landscape art lighting are inseparable from the needs of the public and the development of science and technology.


1.1 The people's pursuit of beauty

With the improvement of people's consumption level and aesthetic awareness, people expect the artistic lighting of city night scenes and the more vivid and beautiful night sceneries. Functional general lighting can no longer meet the aesthetic needs of the public. However, the current landscape lighting in some cities in China is still in the simple stage of lighting, "there is no brightest, only brighter", and no consideration is given to how to artistically brighten the city night scene. There are also many cities that use a large number of high-rise media facades, but there are few innovations in the content and form of expression, forming a pattern of one hundred cities, one screen, and one city, which is widely criticized by public opinion.


Stage art is a comprehensive art composed of a variety of factors, and its expressions are rich and diverse. Stage art workers use various methods to meet the aesthetic needs of the audience. The stage was moved from the theater to the stadium, and there were various large-scale evening parties; the stage was moved from the theater to the landscape, and there were various large-scale live performances; once the stage was placed in the entire city, stage artists would naturally interact with each other. Urban landscape lighting has produced an intersection. As a stage lighting designer with an aesthetic pursuit, facing the presentation of urban landscape lighting, he will naturally use higher artistic requirements, be good at stage lighting light color and its changing shape, create space, and artistically beautify the urban environment and decoration People's living space.


1.2 Advances in technology

Landscape lighting is an outdoor lighting project with both artistic decoration and environmental beautification functions. It can be divided into architectural landscape lighting, garden square landscape lighting, road landscape lighting, etc., including celebration of grand events or some light and shadow show performances with theme content. The number of lamps used in landscape lighting is huge, and its control system is particularly important. At present, the simple method of the landscape lighting industry is to switch the lamps and lanterns by controlling the strong current, and the more sophisticated method is to use the video matrix control method to make some dynamic changes in the lighting. The advantage of using video matrix control is that it is simple and convenient. Put a piece of video material, and the effect can appear immediately; the disadvantage is that it is impossible to quickly edit and adjust the lamps on the spot according to the designer's requirements. The power of stage lighting control lies in the on-site real-time editing, which can quickly debug various lighting effects on-site according to the designer’s needs; secondly, the stage lighting operating system has complete, efficient and reliable synchronization and centralized control of lighting, video and music. Technical solutions. Today, advanced stage technology is increasingly used in urban space landscape lighting projects. Advances in science and technology promote the artistic development of urban landscape lighting.


2 Overview of Pujiang Light and Shadow Show

2.1 Forms of expression

The Pujiang Light and Shadow Show is different from the traditional light show. In terms of its overall presentation, it is a cross-over work that combines architecture, music and drama. The presentation means can be divided into two categories. The first category is the performance of the building’s inherent lighting facilities (including architectural lighting fixtures and a small number of media facade LED displays, etc.). This part can be understood as the lighting treatment of the scenery film on the stage; the second category is the temporary additional laser The performance of stage lighting equipment such as lights, beam lights (light show lamps in the traditional sense), this part can be understood as the treatment of the stage space modeling beam.


The Pujiang Light and Shadow Show is built on the basis of architectural landscape lighting on both sides of the Huangpu River, making mutually independent urban buildings, regional plots, and both sides of the Pujiang River have a stronger connection and echo, and the city night scene has a stronger cohesion and integrity. All these architectural lighting infrastructure constructions are attributed to the Shanghai "Overall Plan of Landscape Lighting on the Banks of the Huangpu River" implemented in 2018, which has created a good foundation for the display of light performances on both banks of the Pujiang River.


2.2 Equipment and technology used

The area of the Pujiang light and shadow show covers nearly 3 square kilometers in Huangpu District, Pudong New District, and Hongkou District on both sides of the Huangpu River (see Figure 1). The average width of the river surface is about 450 m. Lighting fixtures are installed in nearly a hundred buildings on both sides of the Huangpu River. Among them, there are historical preservation buildings that have been inherited for more than 100 years, and the Shanghai Tower, represented by the second tallest in the world and the tallest in Asia. Building.



图1 舞台灯具点位图




图2 全彩激光(摄影:洪敏)

以黄浦区外滩为例,从中山东一路的延安东路至外白渡桥段,全长1.2公里左右,共27幢保护建筑,共安装19个品种、108款,总数12 000余台双色温LED灯具(见图3)。



图3 黄埔外滩(摄影:王欣)



3 浦江光影秀的灯光设计





图4 黄浦区外滩、虹口区北外滩(摄影:栾博翔)



传统建筑照明灯光都是采用常亮模式,并未引入动态调光的概念,也没有动态色温的变化。科学技术的进步使得建筑照明的调光与色温变化都有了可能,外滩建筑的所有灯具都采用DMX512信号进行逐一控制,与光束灯和激光灯一起纳入GRAND-MA2控制系统之内。一张MA2全尺寸灯光控制台扩展13台NPU,搭建了整个灯光操作系统。为保障演出稳定安全完成,考虑到施工周期、网络条件的限制,采用Visual Productions的云存储系统进行编程及远程控制双重备份机制(见图5)。通过电信3层光缆IPRan技术组网,将MA的控制信号通过LTC同步Timecore两岸、游船及市民APP的音频信号。网络遇阻的情况下,每个定点的Quadcore自动判断掉线情况,切换至本地存储的场景进行定时播放;当网络恢复时,又切换回控台的控制权,可谓是多重的安全备份。浦江两岸所有照明与音响设备全部通过中国电信城市骨干光纤网络接入到总控室之内,这为灯光、视频与音乐的信号同步打好基础。




3.3.1 经典老建筑




图6 万国建筑博览群(摄影:栾博翔)

面对这样宝贵的世界文化遗产,设计师所能做的就是保留经典暖黄色照明的元素,尝试使用灯具的明暗与色温变化来突出建筑本身的结构美感,并运用舞台调光手段控制灯具的明暗与色温动态变化,将音乐旋律的情绪与建筑物连接起来。当记忆里稳如磐石的27幢历史建筑伴随着为外滩定制的《外滩漫步》音乐曼妙起舞之时,灯光色温由1 800 K~3 000 K逐步变化,配合调光的律动,明灭之间远看犹如一阵阵的江涛奔流而来,随着音乐节奏的加快,铺满墙壁的灯光也随之出现明暗纹理,不同的光晕从建筑上划过,把石块筑成的楼宇映照成为金碧辉煌的宫殿。不同的光线顺着建筑结构铺陈开来,不仅凸显出每幢建筑各自的风格特点,还使得夜晚的江岸染上与白天截然不同的美,从而达到远观有气势、近看有气质、细读有故事的设计理念,所有的游客和市民为之惊叹。


3.3.2 现代建筑

浦东新区陆家嘴和虹口区北外滩的建筑风貌和黄埔区外滩截然不同。虹口区北外滩有“浦西第一高楼”,高320 m的白玉兰广场。浦东新区陆家嘴有排名亚洲第一、世界第二,高度632 m的上海中心大厦,高492 m的上海环球金融中心,高420.5 m的金茂大厦,还有一个造型前卫科幻,高468 m的东方明珠广播电视塔(见图7)。这两个区域里的建筑基本都是近代玻璃幕墙的摩天大楼。百年前的经典老建筑与百年后的摩天大楼隔江形成对话,历史在这里交融,展示了上海的过去和现在。对于这些现代建筑的表达,选择的是100 W全彩激光灯与470 W全天候防水电脑光束灯,尝试利用带有科技感的空间造型光束描绘现代城市建筑,体现现代科技让城市无限生长的主题。



图7 东方明珠广播电视塔(摄影:Six陆)


黄浦区外滩观景平台为游客主要聚集区域,结合画面美感对这一区域进行视线分析,确立了以东方明珠广播电视塔作为整个浦江光影秀视觉焦点这一方案。因激光光束指向性比较强,只有在一定的观察角度范围之内才能有良好的视觉呈现,综合考虑振镜扫描角度与激光功率因素,采用激光光束水平拼接的方式设置激光设备(见图8)。在东方明珠广播电视塔小球上方351 m操作平台安装2台100 W全彩激光灯,在中球288 m处安装3台100 W全彩激光灯,在大球上方121 m处安装3台100 W全彩激光灯。上海中心大厦在580 m的121层设置2台100 W全彩激光灯和1台60 W单绿激光灯(见图9)。



图8 激光覆盖面示意图



图9 激光点位图



4 浦江光影秀的艺术呈现





表1 国庆光影秀灯光CUE表


4.1.1 希望之光(见图10)


图10 希望之光(摄影:CP)








4.1.2 城市之光(见图11)


图11 城市之光(摄影:栾博翔)






4.1.3 盛世宏光




图12 生日蜡烛(摄影:韩耀东)





表2 进博会光影秀灯光CUE表


4.2.1 活力浦江(见图13)


图13 活力浦江(摄影:朱莉)





4.2.2 和谐中华(见图14)




图14 和谐中华(摄影:易佳)


4.2.3 欢乐共赢(见图15)




图15 欢乐共赢(摄影:洪敏)



5 结语






选自《演艺科技》2020年第4期  谢渝熙《舞台灯光设计在城市景观照明中的运用——2019上海黄浦江大型光影秀创作体会》,转载请标注:演艺科技传媒。更多详细内容请参阅《演艺科技》。


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